Child support is the right of the child. Parents have a financial responsibility to support their children.

Child support depends on the children’s living arrangements. If the child lives primarily with one parent, the other parent is required to pay child support.

In Ontario, child support is determined under the Ontario Child Support Guidelines. If a Divorce is claimed then Child support is covered by the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

Even though we have standard guideline tables, determining child support is not straightforward.


How an Experienced Southwest Ontario Child Support Lawyer Can Help

In child support claims, accurately determining the income of the payor is critical for both the recipient and the payor. When the payor is self-employed or controls a corporation in which he or she shelters income, calculating his or her true income can be extremely challenging. It is important to hire a lawyer with experience dealing with complex child support claims. There is often considerable value at stake when Child support is to be paid over 10 to 20 years.

Child support may also be increased by special and extraordinary expenses such as Daycare expenses or out of pocket Health expenses.

Child support may also be affected by custody and access arrangements.

At the Peter D. Eberlie Family Law Practice, we can help you determine how much money you will pay or receive. We have extensive experience in complex cases involving child support.


Talk to Us First – London Law Firm Handling Child Support Cases

A careful analysis of the payor’s income, assets and obligations is required to ensure proper calculations for child support and spousal support payments.

At the Peter D. Eberlie Family Law Practice, we can help you determine how much money you will pay or receive according to the child support guidelines. We have extensive experience in the complex divorce cases involving both child and spousal support.

If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable Family Law Attorney, contact our hardworking team at the Peter D. Eberlie Family Law Practice. We take pride in being accessible, available and supportive at all times. Call us at 519-473-8988 or send us an email, and we will be in touch with you.